Wednesday, December 10, 2008

All the praying in the world won't save you.

While watching the news on our local news station tonight, I saw an item on a Belgian
priest that had his Outlook (looked like 2000 to me) crash on him. The result of this event was
the loss of all weddings, baptisms and other church events for the coming weeks and months.
I'm pretty convinced that most parish members won't move to another parish because of this
event, but if this were the hard-working plumber (by brother is one and no his name is not Joe), carpenter this would have hit hard.

Imagine that you have planned your wedding on January 22nd, it is now just another free date. Someone else might book the spot and knowing how bridezillas can behave (let alone groomillas) it ain't gonna be a pretty sight. It might even cost a dime (or two).

God might be everywhere, but he isn't on your harddrive, saving your bytes.

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