Friday, October 31, 2008

does Twitter suck ?

Social media is what it is, you either love it or you hate it. Mark Horstman from Manager tools ranted on twitter in his most recent audio blog "Twitter, I hate it". I love the Manager Tools podcast (I am a regular listener) and I obviously am nowhere near a C-suit position (nor do I aspire to be), it provides me with some interesting tidbits I can use in my daily busi-business. If for nothing else but to understand my bosses better :-). On this I have to disagree however. Twitter in and of itself is not the problem Mark, it is how you use it. If used wisely, it is a tool that a C-suit can use to be closer to the workfloor and/or the customer. the EULA of Twitter doesn't say you have to be constantly connected nor do your 'friends' have to expect you are. twitter search provides you a tool that you can use to find users' comments on your company, brand, product name. You can just review private messages once in a while. For instance, Guy Kawasaki uses it, do you think he reads all messages from his 20k+ followers ? I don't think so. Lance Armstrong is on Twitter, he has 2k+ followers and is following 2 profiles himself.

let's say it like this, Twitter is the nail, you choose how you hold the hammer.

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